Sunday 23 March 2008

My Faved games

Soon i will be posting some videos of my own and some videos of my faved coputer game which is made by fans which is called MUGEN which is a fighting game for the famous game Street Fighters but in this game nearly all the player in this game are changed by fans too which will be amazing.

MUGEN videos will have 2 story and the other games is a really amazing game called Ez2DJ which is a game that you have to push buttons at the right time to make the music go smoothly which is really amazing.

PS : after i post the videos please leave some comments give a thumbs up or thumbs down of the videos.

Monday 10 March 2008

Social Issues - Lebanon

There are many beautiful places in the world and one of them is Lebanon which had a history of struggle and amazing comebacks.

Lebanon overcame many struggles and still struggling but still beautiful. One of the struggles was in 1943 where the power of control changed from Muslims to Christians but at that time there where no problems, nevertheless there was some tension but it reached its beak in 1975 when a group of radical Christian attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinians when resulted a burst of violence which became out of control and then problems toppled over a problem endlessly. After that a horrific massacre happened a year after the violent broke out when Syria sent 20,000 of its troop to stop the Muslims radical group on the invitation Maronite Christian-leg government where 2000 Palestinians where killed. In 1982, Israel army was sent to invade Palestine aiming to remove the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Nightmare of fire was erupted, war broke out killing a lot of people from every age both genders from infants, children, youngsters, youth and old people without mercy killing between 150,000 to 200,000 people and 300,000 heavily wounded but that’s not all, nearly quarter of the population left the country and nearly half of the people who left are young people.

Chaos was unleashed but after the unleashed beast clamed down signs of recovery has appeared, people began to bond from both religious Muslims and Christians which made the divisions and hostilities fades. The freedom of where given to everyone both old and young and business is flourishing and growing rapidly.

The city struggled but came over it and now peace has came over war and that is what everybody wants, the city is know as "The City That Wont Die" for its struggling.