Tuesday 24 February 2009

Who Am I ?

My name is Jumaa Saeed Al-Hameli and this is a blog I made for my ENG-175 project and I hope you like what im going to write about in this blog.

First of all I need to introduce my self or talk about my self a little bit so you can now me better, my name is Jumaa Saeed Khulfan Husain Al-Hameli and I'm from the U.A.E, the country which if I wasn't in it will be my heart.im 19 year old and I was born in 7/9/1988 and It’s a nice place to live in and my childhood in it was great and amazingly without any problems. I'm the middle of the middle in the family, I have 6 brothers including me will be 7 and 4 sisters, 2 older and 2 younger sisters and 3 older and 3 younger brothers so as I said the middle of the middle.

I'm different from the whole family. In my house my brother like to old Arabic music and few new ones, they kind of wear jeans and shirts, they like the one door old Nissan which it is called (Hartob), myself is a totally different story, completely the opposite, I like wearing jeans and shirts and always look cool by those wear, like to listen to all kind of English music and rarely listen to Arabic music, in cars basically I could say I like American cars, exotic cars, coupes, completely the opposite and sometimes I wonder I'm I different from them or special (:P just kidding).

I'm a student in a college that is known globally, HCT the Higher Colleges of Technology and I'm in the second year in this college of Higher Diploma Program, common year known in the college and I'm studying Business and aiming for an HD degree in Accounting, who knows if im going for a PHD in Business(In Gods Will)

I like to play football because all Arabs really, really care about and get really carried away sometimes(the only thing :P <_<>_>)and I do some other thing like skating in the Ice Rink and my average skating hours is 5 Hours in that day.
(PS: I go there every Friday so if you go in that day, you will see me.)