Tuesday 24 February 2009

Who Am I ?

My name is Jumaa Saeed Al-Hameli and this is a blog I made for my ENG-175 project and I hope you like what im going to write about in this blog.

First of all I need to introduce my self or talk about my self a little bit so you can now me better, my name is Jumaa Saeed Khulfan Husain Al-Hameli and I'm from the U.A.E, the country which if I wasn't in it will be my heart.im 19 year old and I was born in 7/9/1988 and It’s a nice place to live in and my childhood in it was great and amazingly without any problems. I'm the middle of the middle in the family, I have 6 brothers including me will be 7 and 4 sisters, 2 older and 2 younger sisters and 3 older and 3 younger brothers so as I said the middle of the middle.

I'm different from the whole family. In my house my brother like to old Arabic music and few new ones, they kind of wear jeans and shirts, they like the one door old Nissan which it is called (Hartob), myself is a totally different story, completely the opposite, I like wearing jeans and shirts and always look cool by those wear, like to listen to all kind of English music and rarely listen to Arabic music, in cars basically I could say I like American cars, exotic cars, coupes, completely the opposite and sometimes I wonder I'm I different from them or special (:P just kidding).

I'm a student in a college that is known globally, HCT the Higher Colleges of Technology and I'm in the second year in this college of Higher Diploma Program, common year known in the college and I'm studying Business and aiming for an HD degree in Accounting, who knows if im going for a PHD in Business(In Gods Will)

I like to play football because all Arabs really, really care about and get really carried away sometimes(the only thing :P <_<>_>)and I do some other thing like skating in the Ice Rink and my average skating hours is 5 Hours in that day.
(PS: I go there every Friday so if you go in that day, you will see me.)

Thursday 5 June 2008

last but not least but really important

Course of nature sometime takes rough measures.

My last post is about what we need to make Abu Dhabi a cool city or a green city if you want to call it.

In Abu Dhabi green gases are getting more and more emitted to the atmosphere which makes global warming increases rapidly and after the sudden changes to development which will make Abu Dhabi more of a cool city so is other things in Abu Dhabi, the development are green but the people aren’t and we need to make some rules about that to make people more aware of global warming and what does it do.

First is to make them more aware then the rules should come ater that because people should know what will happen after that comes the changes. we must make posters of events that talks about global warming to let people to know what is and what does global warming do. Al Gore talk in his movie "An Incontinent Truth" about global warming for the past years and the predictions of what will happen based on scientifically evidences but a lot of people don’t want to see it, i think most of then prefer "A Reassuring Lie".

Media, stories, newspapers, and books will help a lot the majority of people in Abu Dhabi and for the student they should make a new course that only and only talks about global warming which rapidly make people minds think about it.

In cases of rules we must make tough rules to make people obey the course by force if we have to, make most of the shop that sells food to sell more food which are green to the environment and less pollution.
ii want to make a change in the world and I don’t care if I’m alone in it eventually i will have allies in the way to future and i will change and i will change people personality, life style and habits to make them greeny even if it had to be by force.

do i want to live in Masder or not ?

personal I would but its not something easy said than done and a lot of people might wonder why, life style is something a human is raised to be like either it good or bad friendly or environmentally but if i see other people it would be hard for them because the majority of people in UAE aren’t environmentally friendly which would make them hate to live in Masder city.

if i talk about myself it would be hard for me too but if i want to change a part of myself for a better cause i would gladly do that because i want to save the world from the effects of global warming, at first I didn’t know anything about global warming but after what i heard and the proofs I saw it became clear to me that someone has to take a stand for the future and if no ones wants to do that i would and that’s why I would like to life in Masder City.

Al Raha Beach

This a video of Al Raha beach.

Hope you like it.

Yas Island

Here is a video about Yas Island.

Hope you like it.

How green do i think these development are ?

truly I don’t think it will be all greeny, if i gave you a percentage it would be 80% only because it has in some part global warming reducing technology but the other part is like a new life style and uses the same technology that increases global warming but overall 80% is too much for me so i think it is a greeny development in my opinion.

Wednesday 4 June 2008

The coolest Development in my opinion

Saadiyat Island is the coolest in my opinion because it will hold many thing that most of the other development wont such as the amazing louvre museum.
