Thursday 5 June 2008

do i want to live in Masder or not ?

personal I would but its not something easy said than done and a lot of people might wonder why, life style is something a human is raised to be like either it good or bad friendly or environmentally but if i see other people it would be hard for them because the majority of people in UAE aren’t environmentally friendly which would make them hate to live in Masder city.

if i talk about myself it would be hard for me too but if i want to change a part of myself for a better cause i would gladly do that because i want to save the world from the effects of global warming, at first I didn’t know anything about global warming but after what i heard and the proofs I saw it became clear to me that someone has to take a stand for the future and if no ones wants to do that i would and that’s why I would like to life in Masder City.

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