Wednesday 4 June 2008

Do i think Cool Cities Project is realistic for UAE ?

Firstly its was what in the world are thinking but after what I saw in global warming and the effects that does and the Cool Cities project that UAE is doing right now it became clear to me and now we have a big chance because we have the resources really cheap considered to the other parts of the world. There are thing that we can do and don’t that reduce global warming.

Things we can do:

1. Using energy that are generated from solar generators and wind mill which cause less effects to the global warming and decrease it.
2. Using Hybrid car which runs on energy which is nearly 98% less pollution which will greatly decrease the effects of global warming especially in UAE.
3. Use the Windmill not only in generating energy but using them as an artificial breeze to cool the city instead of using AC with produce a lot of Fluorocarbon.

Things we can’t do:

1. Making people use Hybrid car or bicycles instead of cars because people in UAE have passion for cars and it is not easily to loss.
2. Cooling won’t be on in summer times and if it stays on it won’t be able to cover the UAE summer heat that could reach 50 Cْ which can make an overload to the generator which might cause problems in the future.
3. Its would be a shame if we could not make a Zero Carbon City and it would cost heavily.

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