Wednesday 14 May 2008

AIT summury

There are many technologies in the world but people tend to use it the old way that eventually will kill the world but among the men in the world, Al Gore the former vice president of the United States stood up to change the world to a better place which eventually made a documentary movie which is called An Inconvenient Truth.

The movie is about what the man kind did to the world harming it that’s causing Global warming the will one day that it will hit as back badly which can be near if the world didn’t do anything . Al Gore showed in his documentary what causes global warming and what will happen if it the warming kept developing. He showed that world did we do such as cutting trees which can be not only harm the world but can only harm humans, tree inhales CO2 which helps global warming to decrease and exhales oxygen that help to reduce world warming but what does humans do they cut trees instead. Al Gore talked about his personal life when he mentioned about his sister death when the first connections between smoking and lunge cancer and at that time his father was growing tobacco but stopped. He talked about the effects on animals and planets that can devastatingly kill them, it changes the hatching time of birds as he said which they were born differently which was horrifying which they were mutating born like. In trees it kills them and he showed a picture of a land which was green and now its half red half green and the green tree had a lot of dead ones too.

Global warming can kill us if we don’t do anything to it and a lot of people want a good future for themselves and their children and children after them and it can be solve. A word of advice, if you set your mind you can accomplish anything you want to.

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