Wednesday 14 May 2008

Cool Cities

Life in the mean time is rapidly changing to the positive side, that’s is what most people is thinking but no which the more positive is the world is going to is the more negative they are going to if think about it environmentally.

The world is going as they say to be heaven in earth as they say because of all the technology they have but have they thought of the mass effect it has on the world if didn’t use it properly. The world can be in the preach of destruction but someone always has to come with an alternative plan for if which is Cool Cities which a which a creation that has moderation and non-lethality to the world which has the most advanced technology and structure while keeping an eye or the carbon emissions to keep the world cleaner.

Abu-Dhabi has already started two projects that has to do with Cool Cities which are Al Sadiyat Island and Masdar City and personally I hope the whole world would build cities just like those for the sake of the world itself and the future.

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