Wednesday 14 May 2008

Carbon Foot Print

Today while I was doing my 174 project for carbon foot print, I was shocked of my foot print because I don’t travel a lot or drive a lot so I thought I will get the lowest foot print in the college but I found that my score is 2.07 plant.

I found out what should I do to reduce my score and the changes can be quite easy and to some people stupid but changing has to come to save the world. For the food section I should cut down on meat and dairy produce and buy more seasonal food which acutely can be really healthy and not to buy air freighted food because it causes a lot of air pollution just to bring food to markets. Traveling sounded stupid at the beginning but ended with good ideas, I don’t drive much but I cruse in the neighborhood to improve my driving but it said that I should not drive to places that are 2 miles away. In the home section it was only about heating and cooling but its true, my brothers turn on the AC and put it in 10 degrees which can be bone chilling which only if I rose it 11 would make a difference. Least but not least is stuff which really amazed me because I don’t use products that can be recycled a lot but if I changed that and avoid over-packaged products, I can really change the score to be between 1 to 1.5 but im aiming to get less than 1.

We have only one plant called the earth and personally intend to keep it and we as humans must do what is best for every one and for the sake of our next generations and the generation after than we need to change for the best.

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