Thursday 5 June 2008

last but not least but really important

Course of nature sometime takes rough measures.

My last post is about what we need to make Abu Dhabi a cool city or a green city if you want to call it.

In Abu Dhabi green gases are getting more and more emitted to the atmosphere which makes global warming increases rapidly and after the sudden changes to development which will make Abu Dhabi more of a cool city so is other things in Abu Dhabi, the development are green but the people aren’t and we need to make some rules about that to make people more aware of global warming and what does it do.

First is to make them more aware then the rules should come ater that because people should know what will happen after that comes the changes. we must make posters of events that talks about global warming to let people to know what is and what does global warming do. Al Gore talk in his movie "An Incontinent Truth" about global warming for the past years and the predictions of what will happen based on scientifically evidences but a lot of people don’t want to see it, i think most of then prefer "A Reassuring Lie".

Media, stories, newspapers, and books will help a lot the majority of people in Abu Dhabi and for the student they should make a new course that only and only talks about global warming which rapidly make people minds think about it.

In cases of rules we must make tough rules to make people obey the course by force if we have to, make most of the shop that sells food to sell more food which are green to the environment and less pollution.
ii want to make a change in the world and I don’t care if I’m alone in it eventually i will have allies in the way to future and i will change and i will change people personality, life style and habits to make them greeny even if it had to be by force.

do i want to live in Masder or not ?

personal I would but its not something easy said than done and a lot of people might wonder why, life style is something a human is raised to be like either it good or bad friendly or environmentally but if i see other people it would be hard for them because the majority of people in UAE aren’t environmentally friendly which would make them hate to live in Masder city.

if i talk about myself it would be hard for me too but if i want to change a part of myself for a better cause i would gladly do that because i want to save the world from the effects of global warming, at first I didn’t know anything about global warming but after what i heard and the proofs I saw it became clear to me that someone has to take a stand for the future and if no ones wants to do that i would and that’s why I would like to life in Masder City.

Al Raha Beach

This a video of Al Raha beach.

Hope you like it.

Yas Island

Here is a video about Yas Island.

Hope you like it.

How green do i think these development are ?

truly I don’t think it will be all greeny, if i gave you a percentage it would be 80% only because it has in some part global warming reducing technology but the other part is like a new life style and uses the same technology that increases global warming but overall 80% is too much for me so i think it is a greeny development in my opinion.

Wednesday 4 June 2008

The coolest Development in my opinion

Saadiyat Island is the coolest in my opinion because it will hold many thing that most of the other development wont such as the amazing louvre museum.

Cool Cities in USA

1. Seattle: They reduced global warming pollution by more than 60 percent by constructing green buildings and operating alternative fuel vehicles.

2. Washington DC: Has replaced 414 of its polluting diesel buses with buses that burn natural gases.

3. Houston: Converted a substantial portion of the city of fleet of cars and trucks.

4. Marion County/Florida: They use gas-electric hybrid vehicles.

5. The city of Scottsdale: Has introduced Arizona’s first green building program which helps builders and home owners learn about how to integrate energy efficiency and water saving.

6. Salt Lake City: They changed 861 traffic lights to LED light signals.

7. Colorado: Is working to produce 50 percent of the city electricity with renewable energy by 2017.

8. Charlotte: They switched from a gas only Ford Taurus to a hybrid Toyota Prius or Honda Civic and that would save city taxpayers approximately $800-1200 per vehicle including over $400 in annual fuel cost.

9. Twin Falls/ Idaho: Reduce energy cost and cut pollution by increasing the energy efficiency of its 11 schools.

10. St. Paul: They use a system that uses heat drawn from a biomass-fired power plant.

Do i think Cool Cities Project is realistic for UAE ?

Firstly its was what in the world are thinking but after what I saw in global warming and the effects that does and the Cool Cities project that UAE is doing right now it became clear to me and now we have a big chance because we have the resources really cheap considered to the other parts of the world. There are thing that we can do and don’t that reduce global warming.

Things we can do:

1. Using energy that are generated from solar generators and wind mill which cause less effects to the global warming and decrease it.
2. Using Hybrid car which runs on energy which is nearly 98% less pollution which will greatly decrease the effects of global warming especially in UAE.
3. Use the Windmill not only in generating energy but using them as an artificial breeze to cool the city instead of using AC with produce a lot of Fluorocarbon.

Things we can’t do:

1. Making people use Hybrid car or bicycles instead of cars because people in UAE have passion for cars and it is not easily to loss.
2. Cooling won’t be on in summer times and if it stays on it won’t be able to cover the UAE summer heat that could reach 50 Cْ which can make an overload to the generator which might cause problems in the future.
3. Its would be a shame if we could not make a Zero Carbon City and it would cost heavily.

Sunday 1 June 2008

is this the effect of global warming or nature itself i wounder?

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Carbon Foot Print

Today while I was doing my 174 project for carbon foot print, I was shocked of my foot print because I don’t travel a lot or drive a lot so I thought I will get the lowest foot print in the college but I found that my score is 2.07 plant.

I found out what should I do to reduce my score and the changes can be quite easy and to some people stupid but changing has to come to save the world. For the food section I should cut down on meat and dairy produce and buy more seasonal food which acutely can be really healthy and not to buy air freighted food because it causes a lot of air pollution just to bring food to markets. Traveling sounded stupid at the beginning but ended with good ideas, I don’t drive much but I cruse in the neighborhood to improve my driving but it said that I should not drive to places that are 2 miles away. In the home section it was only about heating and cooling but its true, my brothers turn on the AC and put it in 10 degrees which can be bone chilling which only if I rose it 11 would make a difference. Least but not least is stuff which really amazed me because I don’t use products that can be recycled a lot but if I changed that and avoid over-packaged products, I can really change the score to be between 1 to 1.5 but im aiming to get less than 1.

We have only one plant called the earth and personally intend to keep it and we as humans must do what is best for every one and for the sake of our next generations and the generation after than we need to change for the best.

My First Video

This is my first using Windows Movie Maker and its about global warming and i hope you like it.

Cool Cities

Life in the mean time is rapidly changing to the positive side, that’s is what most people is thinking but no which the more positive is the world is going to is the more negative they are going to if think about it environmentally.

The world is going as they say to be heaven in earth as they say because of all the technology they have but have they thought of the mass effect it has on the world if didn’t use it properly. The world can be in the preach of destruction but someone always has to come with an alternative plan for if which is Cool Cities which a which a creation that has moderation and non-lethality to the world which has the most advanced technology and structure while keeping an eye or the carbon emissions to keep the world cleaner.

Abu-Dhabi has already started two projects that has to do with Cool Cities which are Al Sadiyat Island and Masdar City and personally I hope the whole world would build cities just like those for the sake of the world itself and the future.

AIT reaction

The movie was astonishingly amazing but at the same time horrifying which was a bit of an awkward mix but yes it opened mankind eyes to what we are doing to the world and most of the people have the nerve to say: are we ?. Personally I did some changes in my life to prevent it from happening and some people say an individual can do nothing by himself. I personally like the movie and I'm searching for more documentary movies about global warming so I could summaries a lot of advices from them so one man can make a difference.

AIT summury

There are many technologies in the world but people tend to use it the old way that eventually will kill the world but among the men in the world, Al Gore the former vice president of the United States stood up to change the world to a better place which eventually made a documentary movie which is called An Inconvenient Truth.

The movie is about what the man kind did to the world harming it that’s causing Global warming the will one day that it will hit as back badly which can be near if the world didn’t do anything . Al Gore showed in his documentary what causes global warming and what will happen if it the warming kept developing. He showed that world did we do such as cutting trees which can be not only harm the world but can only harm humans, tree inhales CO2 which helps global warming to decrease and exhales oxygen that help to reduce world warming but what does humans do they cut trees instead. Al Gore talked about his personal life when he mentioned about his sister death when the first connections between smoking and lunge cancer and at that time his father was growing tobacco but stopped. He talked about the effects on animals and planets that can devastatingly kill them, it changes the hatching time of birds as he said which they were born differently which was horrifying which they were mutating born like. In trees it kills them and he showed a picture of a land which was green and now its half red half green and the green tree had a lot of dead ones too.

Global warming can kill us if we don’t do anything to it and a lot of people want a good future for themselves and their children and children after them and it can be solve. A word of advice, if you set your mind you can accomplish anything you want to.

Sunday 23 March 2008

My Faved games

Soon i will be posting some videos of my own and some videos of my faved coputer game which is made by fans which is called MUGEN which is a fighting game for the famous game Street Fighters but in this game nearly all the player in this game are changed by fans too which will be amazing.

MUGEN videos will have 2 story and the other games is a really amazing game called Ez2DJ which is a game that you have to push buttons at the right time to make the music go smoothly which is really amazing.

PS : after i post the videos please leave some comments give a thumbs up or thumbs down of the videos.

Monday 10 March 2008

Social Issues - Lebanon

There are many beautiful places in the world and one of them is Lebanon which had a history of struggle and amazing comebacks.

Lebanon overcame many struggles and still struggling but still beautiful. One of the struggles was in 1943 where the power of control changed from Muslims to Christians but at that time there where no problems, nevertheless there was some tension but it reached its beak in 1975 when a group of radical Christian attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinians when resulted a burst of violence which became out of control and then problems toppled over a problem endlessly. After that a horrific massacre happened a year after the violent broke out when Syria sent 20,000 of its troop to stop the Muslims radical group on the invitation Maronite Christian-leg government where 2000 Palestinians where killed. In 1982, Israel army was sent to invade Palestine aiming to remove the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Nightmare of fire was erupted, war broke out killing a lot of people from every age both genders from infants, children, youngsters, youth and old people without mercy killing between 150,000 to 200,000 people and 300,000 heavily wounded but that’s not all, nearly quarter of the population left the country and nearly half of the people who left are young people.

Chaos was unleashed but after the unleashed beast clamed down signs of recovery has appeared, people began to bond from both religious Muslims and Christians which made the divisions and hostilities fades. The freedom of where given to everyone both old and young and business is flourishing and growing rapidly.

The city struggled but came over it and now peace has came over war and that is what everybody wants, the city is know as "The City That Wont Die" for its struggling.